Among many year-end tasks, you’re likely planning your insurance and risk financing renewal for the coming year. Here are some key questions to consider:
- "How do these renewal terms fit into our budget and EBITDA calculations for the coming year?" (“How will these renewal terms impact us financially?")
- "How much controllable Financial Leakage are we experiencing outside of the hard costs of the insurance policies and claims?"
- "Can our existing broker provide a results-driven and measurable strategy to recapture a significant portion of these unbudgeted expenses?"
If your current broker can’t provide you with this business intelligence, don’t feel bad - you’re not alone. But there’s no need for you to waste a tremendous amount of controllable capital in the coming year, likely in the neighborhood of an additional 30% of additional expenses above your renewal terms!
As Analytic Brokers, we’re uniquely qualified to quantify the true costs of your risk management program and pinpoint areas for improvement. Our data-driven process makes your financial improvement our top priority.
You deserve real data and better financial outcomes. Contact us today for a no-risk Financial Leakage assessment.
You can’t afford to wait!
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To reduce the costs of your risk financing and risk management program, you must recapture the existing financial leakage inside your business model.
To do this effectively, you must first identify and measure your TRUE cost structure. We’re not just talking about your premiums and other out-of-pocket expenses, but also the indirect costs of your claims that weaken your profit margin and other business results.
Until recently, these losses and your financial leakage have been difficult to pinpoint.
Did you know? These losses can add an additional load of 30-50% to your program. If you haven’t budgeted for that extra 30-50%, you’re not alone. We call this Financial Leakage, and it’s a critical issue that every business should rectify.
Now, forward-thinking firms like ours invest in data and analytics that help us see, quantify, and monitor Financial Leakage. Moreover, as Certified Analytic Brokers, we’ll develop a custom-tailored plan to recapture these expenses with our specialty resources.
You’ll improve your operating capital, EBITDA, and shareholder equity when you find and recapture these hemorrhaging dollars.
Contact us today for a complimentary assessment!
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As an organization, you know the importance of monitoring your fiscal performance.
Your margins and results are dependent upon your making informed financial choices. This requires you to be on top of your “Financial Leakage” at all times.
Did you know that leakage inside your Risk Financing and Risk Control Program can add an additional 40% of your premium cost?
These controllable costs are eroding your financial performance and need to be identified, contained, and recaptured as soon as possible.
As an Analytic Brokerage, we are among the select few insurance brokerages in North America that can identify and measure these indirect expenses.
We offer a complimentary cost assessment of your existing Risk Management Program that will fully demonstrate how financial leakage is impacting your organization’s critical KPI’s. Furthermore, we’ll offer you specific solutions designed to recapture these unwanted expenses over time.
So, contact us today. We’re ready to help maximize your fiscal performance!
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Do you know the ROI of your insurance program? Can you pinpoint your opportunities to improve your financial results?
If not, you’re not alone. Many traditional insurance brokerages do not have the ability to quantify the financial impact of their risk management services.
They can only talk about loss ratios and insurance premiums. That leads directly to wasted capital and no ROI.
But, shouldn’t your insurance program be measured by the same level of accuracy you apply toward assessing your own business initiatives?
You deserve to know exactly how much value your insurance provider is bringing to the table. Moreover, you need to know how that additional capital impacts your business performance so you can make the right decisions.
As an Analytic Broker, we’re uniquely qualified to quantify the ROI of your current program. We’ll provide a complimentary assessment on what you can do to improve your profits, EBITDA margins, or other important objectives.
As a financial executive, you deserve to fully understand your cost structure and how to move your overhead expenses towards a true ROI. The time is now.
So, contact us today. We will provide your organization with an in-depth Financial Leakage Report™. Let’s work together to protect your hard-earned capital.
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The largest unfunded expense inside your risk management program is financial leakage. This unbudgeted cost erodes your productivity, margins, and EBITDA results.
On average, financial leakage adds 30-50% to your risk management program’s cost structure*. This money is paid by your organization, NOT the insurance carrier.
Can you remember any losses that became expensive problems for your business in terms of time, reputation, or productivity?
It’s time to protect your capital from further damage.
The good news? Financial Leakage is controllable with the right expertise, resources, and most importantly, the ability to measure its impact.
As a certified Analytic Brokerage, we will quantify your financial leakage AND provide a plan of action to recapture it. Imagine the impact on your business results with more funds available to reinvest!
So, contact us today. We will provide your organization with an in-depth Financial Leakage Report™. Let’s work together to protect your hard-earned capital.
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* Source: TCORCalc, North America’s leading authority on insurance industry benchmarks and cost analytics.
Like many successful business people, you track your organization’s financial performance very closely. Did you know there is likely additional capital inside of your risk management cost structure that can be recaptured and reinvested inside of your business?
It’s true!
What could your business do with the recaptured financial waste in your risk management program (up to 40%, on average)? Acquire new equipment? Hire another employee? Perhaps, grow your EBITDA/Surplus margins?
Every business is saddled with the unbudgeted expenses of claims events. Lost productivity, workflow disruption, potential reputational/branding damage - just to name a few. Until recently, it has been difficult to measure the impact of this lost capital so it has gone unaddressed.
The good news? It’s not too late to recapture portions of these unwanted expenditures AND put a plan in place to reduce future impacts. And, our firm is uniquely qualified to assist you in this process.
As Analytic Brokers we have the tools and know-how to analyze your existing cost structure and root out the controllable leakage in your risk management portfolio. Best of all, we’ll offer you a specialized plan to ensure that your business performs to the best of its ability going forward.
Improving your financials is what we do best. Contact us today and let’s get started!
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It’s time for your business to enjoy the service and financial insight it deserves.
You manage your business with tools and applications that have been overhauled recently to meet the demands of our data-driven economy. Yet, if you’re like most insurance buyers, your broker has not changed their approach for decades. They focus solely on the “old metrics” of the insurance placement: premium, carrier, and loss ratios.
If this is the case with your current broker, you’re being under-served. You should expect your broker to meet today’s Gold Standard by:
- Demonstrating exactly how much financial leakage is currently eroding from your financial statement due to unfunded or unbudgeted expenses.
- Measuring their firm’s impact on your Key Performance Indicators (profit, surplus, EBITDA) and offering a plan to improve them.
- Projecting future results that provide you with better “decision support”, allowing you to create a competitive and strategic advantage over your competition.
Without meeting the above expectations, you’re not only being under-served, you’re likely missing opportunities to improve your business.
As an Analytic Brokerage, we are uniquely qualified to measure and provide you with this key business intelligence so you can make better-informed decisions, budget accurately, and achieve short and long-term business goals with confidence.
Contact us today and we’ll provide you with a no-risk assessment of your current cost structure AND a plan to improve your financial performance going forward.
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It’s time for your business to enjoy the service and financial insight it deserves.
Tax season reminds many businesses of "lost opportunities." No matter what your EBITDA margin is, the I.R.S. shrinks your capital. Many times, this depletion of cash takes months to recover. So, what is the best way to recoup this annual hit to your bottom line?
. . . don't let it leak away in the first place!
Many businesses are not aware of the hidden expenses that eat away at their margins year round. Unbudgeted productivity disruptions, the surprise costs of operational misfires, potential reputational damage when something bad happens... just to name a few culprits.
You may be asking yourself, "OK, how do I stop it?"
Great question! We're here to help.
No, we can’t pay your tax bill, but as Analytic Brokers we're uniquely qualified to help you replace your cash quicker. How? By finding and attacking the financial leakage (mentioned above) that currently exists inside your risk control and risk financing program.
Don't let another tax year come and go without protecting your hard earned capital!
Contact us today and we’ll provide you with a no-risk assessment of your current cost leakage and a detailed plan of action to recapture these critical expenses.
Contact us today
Whether it is office equipment, vehicles, manufacturing processes, or employee hiring, every business decision you make carries an ROI (return on investment).
Isn’t it time to determine what the ROI is on your insurance program?
Now, you may think the ROI is measured simply by the premiums you pay. Nothing could be further from the truth!
Here are some questions to consider:
What is the value of your broker’s consulting projects? - Most brokers show you their services as Value Added Services. But, what is the value? What is the quantifiable outcome? Or, did we even get any consulting projects other than insurance selling?
How much has the broker's claim reduction programs reduced your costs? - Telling you that future insurance premiums will be reduced is not satisfactory. They should quantify cost reduction results from the "frictional" cost of your suffered losses. If they are unable to do this, you are likely being underserved.
Unless you include the items above in your assessment, you are receiving an incomplete picture. You are basing an important decision on the insurance costs; not the ROI of the services you require and/or received.
As a Analytic Broker™, we are able to demonstrate what your current ROI is and what it should be with a proper risk management program in place. We have the data and metrics that will let you determine how your program is either improving or draining your financial performance.
The first step? Contact us today to know the ROI of your existing program. We'll provide a no-obligation assessment so you can make the best decision for your business.
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In addition to your profits and productivity, the changing cost of your risk financing program must be monitored throughout the year. You must remember price is NOT the same as cost when it comes to your insurance coverage. Unless you are accurately measuring your Financial Leakage, you are looking at an incomplete picture.
Financial Leakage flows through your entire organization with each and every claim you experience, adding an additional 30% to 60% to your overall costs.*
These financially-corrosive indirect costs manifest in workflow disruption, brand/reputational damage, and equipment replacement expense - just to name a few.
To effectively manage and mitigate the damage these costs inflict upon your financial statement, you should take these 6 Steps with your insurance provider:
- Request a claims analysis that shows your claims AND the financial leakage that your business is suffering from those claims. You need to see the total picture.
- Embed these additional costs inside your budget to ensure accuracy going forward. Financial Leakage is a measurable loss that needs to be accounted for.
- Determine the percentage of negative impact against your most important KPI’s (e.g. How much margin is your Financial Leakage burning?)
- Ask your provider to create a plan for the reduction of these costs. There are important resources available to reduce this additional expense load.
- Monitor program effectiveness (#4) against your budget. Be certain that your financial leakage is being properly mitigated on a quarterly basis.
- Add the results to your “best practices” benchmarks for KPI improvement. Working with a broker who is capable of providing you continued business intelligence is crucial.
Speaking of, as an Analytic Broker our firm is uniquely qualified to assess your financial leakage AND create a plan of action to erode it. We’ll help you fill in the blanks on your budget and measure our success via the KPI’s that are most important to your business.
The first step? Contact us today. We will be pleased to provide you with a complimentary Financial Leakage assessment. Together, we’ll safeguard your financial statement.
Contact us today